Monday, February 10, 2020

Activities of an extra squirrly terrestrial nature in exeter ontario canada and alien invaders in human form and other terrestrial forms likewise on planet earth

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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

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Category: Mysteries

The Ingo Swann Predictions

The Ingo Swann Predictions
In this article we will be taking a look at the Ingo Swann predictions, that were put together for the US government in the early 1970’s. The late Swann was at one time considered to be one of the US government’s foremost remote viewers – a specialised paranormal psychic who used extra-sensory perception to aid the officials in spying missions on the Russians.

A Man Called Axelrod

Back in 1975, Swann claimed that he was contacted by a mysterious figure who informed him that he would be receiving a phone call off a man known only as ‘Axelrod’. The man who was passing on this information claimed to be a highly-placed figure in Washington, D.C.
Swann took the tip-off seriously, and waited for the call…but a month later nothing had happened!
He was just about to give up on the informant’s advice when the call finally came through. He was asked to make a rendezvous in a mere matter of hours at the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian.
Most people would have been slightly disturbed by this last minute arrangement, but it didn’t seem to bother Swann. He went to the arranged location and met with a man who looked very much like a marine.
After formalities were exchanged, Swann was taken by car to a second location where a helicopter was waiting to take him to an unknown destination.
He was then blindfolded then the helicopter took a thirty minute flight before landing. Swann was then bundled off the aircraft and into a elevator – the blindfold remained on.
The elevator seemed to take an age to eventually stop, but once it did, Swann’s blindfold was removed. He was then confronted by a man who claimed that he was the real ‘Axelrod’.
ingo swann remote viewing training

What Did Axelrod Want?

Axelrod wasted no time coming to the point of the meeting: to find out the nature of remote-viewing.
He was looking to use Swann’s psychic powers in exchange for a large amount of money. In particular – he was interested in Swann remote viewing the moon.
Swann readily agreed to this task, as he was fully aware that many governments were interested in structures on the moon…he was also interested in the subject himself.
The remote viewing sessions were a huge success, and Swann was amazed by what he saw on the moon’s surface – spectacular imagery of what appeared to be a huge tower similar in size and structure to the Secretariat Building at the United Nations.
Axelrod then informed Swann that the moon-building was not man-made – it had been built by extraterrestrials.
ingo swann remote viewing moon

The Ingo Swann Predictions

Over the next few weeks Swann discovered many more ‘moon buildings’ in his remote viewing sessions. He described huge dome structures and strange alien machinery which seemed to be linked to some sort of mining operation. There were also a great deal of statue-like structures which were shaped like a cross.
In one session Swann described seeing many human-like people burrowing into the side of a moon-mountain…but for some reason these beings were all naked!
Axelrod decided to call off the operation because he was worried these moon-based entities might be aware that they were being spied on via astral-travel. He even told Swann that these beings could make a ‘personal call’ to his own residence.
Before they finally parted ways, Axelrod asked Swann if he knew about a man named George Leonard. Swann informed him that he had never heard of the name.
It eventually turned out that Axelrod was considering Swann to seek out the mysteries of the moon while Leonard, an author, was hard at work on a manuscript titled Somebody Else is on the Moon, which was finally published in 1977, focusing on the very issues about which Axelrod was so deeply troubled.

What are your thoughts on this strange incident – do you feel Ingo Swann told the truth about what really happened?
Was he observing a secret human facility on the moon…or was he witnessing alien beings at work?
How did George Leonard know so much about the subject?
So many questions – and no real answers!
Please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.

The Devil’s Footprints

The Devil’s Footprints

This article will be covering the strange and creepy case of the Devil’s Footprints in 1855. Did a demonic creature leave strange tracks in the snow around the Exe Estuary in Devon, England?
Let’s take a closer look…

Extreme Temperatures

On the 8th of February, 1855, in Devon, England, the weather was taking a bit of a turn for the worse. Heavy snow had fallen all around the area and the extreme temperatures were not giving it any chance to melt. Historical reports from the time show that temperatures remained around freezing from January until March.
On that cold February night, strange hoof marks appeared in the crisp snow all over the South and East Devon area. In all, it was reported that the strange footprints had appeared in 30 locations.
When measured, each of these eerie footprints measured in at four inches long, three inches across, and between eight and sixteen inches apart. Every track also seemed to be travelling in a single file formation.
In all, the footprints are thought to have covered over 100 miles of distance. Whatever had left them had no problems with whatever ‘it’ encountered in it’s path – the tracks seemed to travel over house roofs and across frozen lakes and bodies of water.

strange hoof marks appeared in the crisp snow

The Devil Pays a Visit

As soon as the local press picked up on the story, they started referring to the tracks as ‘devil’s footprints’, and in some cases ‘tracks of Satan’. They had picked up on the various reports from locals and taken note that the tracks looked like they were made by a cloven hoof animal.
Historic reports also indicate that the locals to the area took these tracks VERY seriously. In some areas it took months for them to gather the courage to go out after nightfall. They firmly believed that something demonic had left these footprints.

The Devil’s Footprints – Theories

A well known historian from Wales named Mike Dash has spent a number of years looking into this case, and he firmly believes that the prints came from a number of sources – not just one. He concludes that one hoax simply led to another…then the whole thing kind of snowballed.
He also stated that he thinks a large majority of the tracks were made by donkeys making their way through the snow. He also admits that some of the reported tracks still leave him stumped – he has no idea what made them.
Another researcher, author Geoffrey Household, believes that the tracks could well have been left by a experimental balloon released from the Devonport Dockyard. He thinks that two chains were dangling from the balloon as it travelled, leaving hoof-like prints in the snow.
Another popular theory is that local hungry badgers made the tracks – they were out desperately searching for food on the frozen ground.
So – the footprints of something demonic…or nothing more than local wildlife or an escaped weather balloon?
What’a your opinion on the subject of the Devil’s Footprints?
Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Luther McCarty – A Light From Heaven

Luther McCarty - A Light From Heaven
I first wrote about this subject about a year ago and after publishing the article (on the parent site to this website) I received a ton of comments and personal messages from people claiming they had ‘additional’ or ‘differing’ information on the subject.
Most of these messages were from pure-blood sceptics or amateur paranormal investigators, one was even from a host of a relatively unsuccessful ‘ghostly’ podcast.
So it’s safe to say that the subject of Luther McCarty kicks up a storm whenever an article is published about it online.
Here we go again…


The Boxer

The 6 foot 4 inch Luther McCarty was a talented young boxer, and actually ended up making his full professional debut at the tender age of 18. This debut fight took place on the 7th of January, 1911, and his opponent was a guy named Watt Adams.
Luther managed to demolish him within two rounds.
Over the next twelve months he skyrocketed to stardom as he smashed through every fighter put in front of him. The public began to pin the nickname of ‘Lute’ on him.
The Boxer
Such was the dominance of Lute, that a championship bout was arranged for New Year’s Day 1913. This big time main event was to be against a fighter named Al Palzer – the White World Heavyweight Champion.
Palzer was absolutely smashed during the fight, but managed to get out of it with a TKO. He handed over his belt to Lute.
The boxing community went wild with this win, and promoters started to battle to set up a legendary fight between Lute and Jack Johnson. This fight never took place…

Arthur Pelkey

Before his big fight with Johnson, Lute took part in a sort of ‘warm up match’ against a fighter named Arthur Pelkey. This fight should have been fairly routine for a boxer of Lute’s quality.
In the very first round of the fight, Lute took a rather feeble punch to the heart area, and collapsed instantly. He lay motionless on the floor as the referee counted him out.
The referee, Ed Smith, started to panic – something was not quite right here!
Medical professionals jumped into the ring and tried their best to revive the famous fighter, but it was no use – after 8 minutes Lute was pronounced dead.
The Boxer

The Luther McCarty Light

As Lute lay on the boxing ring canvas, being counted out, the 6000-strong crowd all witnessed an amazing paranormal light beam down on the stricken boxer’s body. The light seemed to hit him as the referee started the count, then disappear as soon as the count was over. The shaft of light seemed to be the perfect size to cover only Lute’s body.

There is only one photo image of this strange light,

and it has been debated ever since by thousands of sceptics (don’t I know it!!!!). Most of these ‘people’ believe the photo to have been somehow faked…

but I’m under the impression that Photoshop didn’t exist back in the early 1900’s?
Remember – just over 6000 people at that fight also witnessed this heavenly light…
The Luther McCarty Light
A coroner’s report later determined that the cause of Lute’s death was probably linked to a horse riding accident he had suffered just days before the fight took place.
So what was this strange light?
Was it an ethereal sign from a higher power, calling Lute home?
Was it nothing more than a trick of the light?
Please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.

The Zigmund Adamski Extraterrestrial Incident

The Zigmund Adamski Extraterrestrial Incident
In this article we will be covering the bizarre UFO case of Zigmund Adamski – was he really the victim of murderous extraterrestrial visitors, and if so, why would they choose to kill a human and leave his body for all the world to see?
Let’s take a closer look…

The Body of Zigmund Adamski

On the 16th of June, 1980, on the Ilkley Moor near Todmorden, a grizzly scene emerged when a 56-year old coal miner named Zigmund Adamski was found dead. His body was discovered spread over the top of a mound of coal – about 20 miles away from where he lived in Tingley.
Adamski had been missing for five days – he had only popped out to grab some potatoes from the local supermarket, and had not been seen since.
Officials discovered a strange collection of burn marks to his head, neck and shoulders. These strange marks had also been covered in some kind of ointment, but experts had no luck in figuring out what this material/cream was.
He was wearing his trousers and jacket, but for some reason his shirt was missing. To police, it appeared that he had been undressed, then dressed again in haste, as his trousers and shoes were not fastened properly and his coat was buttoned the wrong way.
His face only showed about 24 hours worth of beard growth, but he had been missing for a full five days.
His body also managed to have no coal specks on it, even though he was lying on top of a big pile of the substance. Some officials believe that he was somehow lowered down onto the peak of the coal pile.
The initial examination came to the conclusion that Adamski had probably died from a heart attack, but a policeman (PC Alan Goddard) who first saw the body pointed out that his lifeless face was frozen in complete fear. The coroner actually agreed with this statement and admitted that the dead man must have “known great fear or pain”.
The Body of Zigmund Adamski

UFO Activity

One of the policemen who discovered Adamski’s body (the same PC Alan Goddard) came forward six months later and claimed that he had experienced some sort of UFO activity on the 28th of November, 1980.
He stated that he was driving around a Todmorden council housing estate at just after 5 am, and suddenly he spotted a large bright bus in the distance coming towards him. As the bus approached he realised that what he thought was a bus, was floating a few feet off the ground, and it had some sort of ‘spinning mechanism’ underneath it.
The policeman stopped his car and tried his best to radio the incident in, but neither his car radio nor his walkie-talkie would work. He kept quiet on the subject until he had a conversation with a group of policemen in nearby Halifax, who had also had an encounter with this strange ‘bus’.
A group of UFO researchers looked into Goddard’s case and discovered he was actually missing about 15 minutes of time. They urged him to go under hypnosis to try and recover the lost moments…and he agreed.


The hypnosis was able to recall that the policeman actually passed out when the ‘bus’ got near him, and he woke up on a table with a six-foot figure dressed in black and white in the room with him.
Journalist John Sheard, who witnessed the video of the hypnosis session, relayed PC Goddard’s words to the reader in an edition of the Sunday Mirror (27th September 1981):

They’re horrible…..small…three to four feet, like five year old lads! There are eight of them. He’s touching me…..He’s feeling at my clothes. They have hands and heads like a lamp. They keep touching me…….they are making noises……Joseph, I know him as Joseph. He has told me not to be frightened.
They are robots! They’re not human! They’re robots! They’re his! They are Joseph’s robots! There’s a bloody dog…’s horrible! The size of an Alsatian!”
Could it be that Zigmund Adamski and PC Alan Goddard went through the same experience…but Adamski’s age and poor heart could not stand the terror of the incident?
Please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.

Aliens in The Zone of Silence

Aliens in The Zone of Silence

In this article we will be taking a look at the 50km area of desert close to Bolsón de Mapimí in Mexico, which locals now call the La Zona del Silencio, or the Zone of Silence.
Why are there so many strange legends about this area of desert?
What is the force behind it’s strange anomalies?
Are there aliens in the Zone of Silence?
Let’s take a closer look…

How it all Began…

The first rumours linked to this stretch of land started up back in the mid 1930’s when a pilot named Francisco Sarabia had to make a sudden landing when passing over the zone. He claimed that his aircraft’s dashboard went completely haywire and his radio equipment cut out.
Move on to 1964 and a PEMEX engineer named Harry de la Peña was working for a pipeline company in the desert. During his job out on the sands he encountered what he later called a ‘silent zone’ where all of his radio equipment died out on him.
He became obsessed with these dead zones and returned to the area to find out more after his job finished. His research concluded that these silent zones actually moved about, and there was more than one!

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 ME.Related imageImage result for make gifs motion images 'the wizard of oz, oo what a worldImage result for images of franken fureterImage result for make gifs motion images of stephen seaguls martial arts

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I close this post now with the following.
A picture I sent to my friend jon in this life, and the written conversing which ensued after.

Addressed as follows.

WHat's this? 

On Wed., May 11, 2022, 10:02 a.m. james coelus, <> wrote:
I pedaled my bicycle to exeter this morning.

Started pedalling at about 5 am.

Got to exeter at 8:24 am.

Nice town.
I decided to stay for a bit.

To look for the white squirrel.

After a couple hours I found the critter.

A white squirrel was prancing around in macnaughton park.
.going wild.

Here is my video of the white squirfel I captured on video in exeter.
Attached below


Quick question?
Why is it that God made it so that white SQUIRRELS must stay in exeter.?
That's a little strange.
You know?

Show quoted text

That white squirrel was  just dancing and prancing for me.

In the park in exeter.


It was a cool white squirrel.

The whole trip to exeter was 111.7 kilometers. 
By the way.
Show quoted text

One last note.
I just think it's a fair question, jon.
I mean, are their Frizzy squirrel police?
In exeter?
Unknown to humans?
Who make sure the white squirrels dont leave exeter town?
Is that why white squirrels only stay in exeter?
I'm just curious.

Show quoted text
Great vid bro I gave ya a thumbs up

Hey wanna come to gym with me and make workout vids. ? 

Fit 4 less is only 14 bucks a month

I need a workout partner to spot me. 

Let me know bro.lets workout together


On Wed., May 11, 2022, 6:04 p.m. james coelus, <> wrote:
Show quoted text

Thanks jon!
Much appreciated for the thumbs up.

Regarding the gym,though, im sort of a single fella.


Not all the time.

Once in a while I like having a partner.

But usually my mindset in the gym is one.

It wouldnt matter who it is, jon.

That's just me.
i'm signed into a one year contract with good life.
And I just saw someone sign twice into someone else's account.

As far as I know.

That disturbs me.

But whatever.
Most people out there are crazy.


But you know what?

I'd work out with.
If you needed me.
If I'm available.

I just dont have A lot of time.

Plus, let's not forget,, presently, I have Bill's coming out of my wing wang.

So, probably well have to wait on that.

But maybe I can come, with you,  as a quest to fit for life, occcssionally. every now and then?
Show quoted text
Your roommate and you worked out, okay, together, too.

So,dont forget about him.

If hes available.
Hide quoted text

On Wed., May 11, 2022, 10:38 p.m. james coelus, <> wrote:

Thanks jon!
Much appreciated for the thumbs up.

Regarding the gym,though, im sort of a single fella.


Not all the time.

Once in a while I like having a partner.

But usually my mindset in the gym is one.

It wouldnt matter who it is, jon.

That's just me.
i'm signed into a one year contract with good life.
And I just saw someone sign twice into someone else's account.

As far as I know.

That disturbs me.

But whatever.
Most people out there are crazy.


But you know what?

I'd work out with.
If you needed me.
If I'm available.

I just dont have A lot of time.

Plus, let's not forget,, presently, I have Bill's coming out of my wing wang.

So, probably well have to wait on that.

But maybe I can come, with you,  as a quest to fit for life, occcssionally. every now and then?

On Wed., May 11, 2022, 8:04 p.m. Jon Ferris, <> wrote:
Great vid bro I gave ya a thumbs up

Hey wanna come to gym with me and make workout vids. ? 

Fit 4 less is only 14 bucks a month

I need a workout partner to spot me. 

Let me know bro.lets workout together


On Wed., May 11, 2022, 6:04 p.m. james coelus, <> wrote:
I pedaled my bicycle to exeter this morning.

Started pedalling at about 5 am.

Got to exeter at 8:24 am.

Nice town.
I decided to stay for a bit.
To look for the white squirrel.

After a couple hours I found the critter.



A white squirrel was prancing around in macnaughton park.
.going wild.

Here is my video of the white squirfel I captured on video in exeter.
Attached below


Quick question?
Why is it that God made it so that white SQUIRRELS must stay in exeter.?
That's a little strange.
You know?

On Wed., May 11, 2022, 10:33 a.m. Jon Ferris, <> wrote:
What's this? 

On Wed., May 11, 2022, 10:02 a.m. james coelus, <> wrote:

What's this? 

On Wed., May 11, 2022, 10:02 a.m. james coelus, <> wrote:
I pedaled my bicycle to exeter this morning.

Started pedalling at about 5 am.

Got to exeter at 8:24 am.

Nice town.


I decided to stay for a bit.
To look for the white squirrel.

After a couple hours I found the critter.

A white squirrel was prancing around in macnaughton park.
.going wild.

Here is my video of the white squirfel I captured on video in exeter.
Attached below


Quick question?
Why is it that God made it so that white SQUIRRELS must stay in exeter.?
That's a little strange.
You know?

Show quoted text

That white squirrel was  just dancing and prancing for me.

In the park in exeter.

It was a cool white squirrel.

The whole trip to exeter was 111.7 kilometers. 
By the way.
Show quoted text
One last note.
I just think it's a fair question, jon.
I mean, are their Frizzy squirrel police?
In exeter?
Unknown to humans?
Who make sure the white squirrels dont leave exeter town?
Is that why white squirrels only stay in exeter?
I'm just curious.

Show quoted text
Great vid bro I gave ya a thumbs up

Hey wanna come to gym with me and make workout vids. ? 

Fit 4 less is only 14 bucks a month

I need a workout partner to spot me. 

Let me know bro.lets workout together


On Wed., May 11, 2022, 6:04 p.m. james coelus, <> wrote:
Show quoted text

Thanks jon!
Much appreciated for the thumbs up.

Regarding the gym,though, im sort of a single fella.


Not all the time.

Once in a while I like having a partner.

But usually my mindset in the gym is one.

It wouldnt matter who it is, jon.

That's just me.
i'm signed into a one year contract with good life.
And I just saw someone sign twice into someone else's account.

As far as I know.

That disturbs me.

But whatever.
Most people out there are crazy.


But you know what?

I'd work out with.
If you needed me.
If I'm available.

I just dont have A lot of time.

Plus, let's not forget,, presently, I have Bill's coming out of my wing wang.

So, probably well have to wait on that.

But maybe I can come, with you,  as a quest to fit for life, 

occcssionally. every now and then?
Show quoted text
Your roommate and you worked out, okay, together, too.

So,dont forget about him.

If hes available.
Hide quoted text

A white squirrel. 


On Wed., May 11, 2022, 10:38 p.m. james coelus, <> wrote:

Thanks jon!
Much appreciated for the thumbs up.

Regarding the gym,though, im sort of a single fella.


Not all the time.

Once in a while I like having a partner.

But usually my mindset in the gym is one.

It wouldnt matter who it is, jon.

That's just me.
i'm signed into a one year contract with good life.
And I just saw someone sign twice into someone else's account.

As far as I know.

That disturbs me.

But whatever.
Most people out there are crazy.


But you know what?

I'd work out with.
If you needed me.
If I'm available.

I just dont have A lot of time.


Plus, let's not forget,, presently, I have Bill's coming out of my wing wang.


So, probably well have to wait on that.


But maybe I can come, with you,  as a quest to fit for life, occcssionally. every now and then?

On Wed., May 11, 2022, 8:04 p.m. Jon Ferris, > wrote:
Great vid bro I gave ya a thumbs up

Hey wanna come to gym with me and make workout vids. ? 

Fit 4 less is only 14 bucks a month

I need a workout partner to spot me. 

Let me know bro.lets workout together


On Wed., May 11, 2022, 6:04 p.m. james coelus, <> wrote:
I pedaled my bicycle to exeter this morning.

Started pedalling at about 5 am.

Got to exeter at 8:24 am.

Nice town.
I decided to stay for a bit.
To look for the white squirrel.

After a couple hours I found the critter.

A white squirrel was prancing around in macnaughton park.
.going wild.

Here is my video of the white squirfel I captured on video in exeter.
Attached below


Quick question?
Why is it that God made it so that white SQUIRRELS must stay in exeter.?
That's a little strange.
You know?

On Wed., May 11, 2022, 10:33 a.m. Jon F wrote:
What's this? 

On Wed., May 11, 2022, 10:02 a.m. james coelus, <> wrote:

Watch "An Encounter With A Wisconsin Dogman? | These Woods Are Haunted" on YouTube 

 @Hi Bye 
You think the woods make noise if predators are near?
They do.

Smaller creatures like birds will make a fuss and chirp wildly if a regular predator is near .
Like a bear or wolf or coyote.
But not when it comes to a supernatural being .
Birds and other creatures will not make noise when it comes to a supernatural being.

  no. Not when it comes to super natural forces smaller beings shit up.

And hide.
Or leave the area.

Smaller creatures will make noise when it comes to predators like wolves or bears.

Of course.
As a warning to other creatures a predator is near.

Yet super natural beings are another matter.
I explain this matter to humanity here.

In other words,

Smaller creatures quickly depart and the woods become very quiet when a dangerous super natural force or being is lurking in the woods.
Yet humans dont realize something.
Their are many different super natural functions of this life.

For example theirs this.
In exeter ontario canada " their lives a white squirrel.
God has ordered the white squirrel of exeter to reside only in exeter.
And it obeys God and does so.

In ALIGNMENT with the following .

The supernatural white squirrel of
exeter ontario canada and its white fur.
Supernatural laws amongst canadas squirrel populations decree from The GOD of israel himself,  that, squirrels born with white fur only, in canada  must reside in Exeter ontario.
And not depart that geographical location.the gods who control this universe have decreed
A canadian squirrels nuts will be taken away if a white squirrel does not abide by that squirrel law in Canada.

Can humans explain that?

In ancient christian script, An angel is quoted as saying to an Israeli prophet named ezra', at a certain conjecture in time, the following words.

"" Do not speak if their is any ancient being present who is your authority figure in this life,
Be docile and listen.
By way of luke 4:4 of the words of christianity,
Genesis 3:22 is a christian  notation given to humans  in this existence,  for a reason.

That said, I'll now address the following.

Watch "Land Between the Lakes Investigation - Beast of LBL [Dogman Narratives]" on YouTube 

These strange sightings are more common then people realize.
The Soviet union has had sightings of the 8 foot tall yeti.
Canada has had sightings of the 9 foot tall  sasquatch.

The usa has had sightings of bigfoot.
Missouri has had numerous sightings of a seven foot tall hairy creature known as the mo mo monster.
And on it goes.

I mean, if you check the history books closely?
God created many mysterious monsters that humans will never be able to explain fully.

There everywhere throughout the whole earth.
Including the kentucky werewolf.
Some of them are even evil spirits in partial  terrestrial form on earth.
Somewhat partially reminiscent of 2and CORINTHIANS 11:13-15.

Are so many mysterious monsters on earth with humanity in this life?

Because the gods and goddesses who created this existence for mankind have set it up that way.

These monsters are playthings of the higher ranking gods and goddesses in this life.
Aligning genesis 3:22.
And mortals are wise not to try to indulge themselves in such matters too much..
As deuteronomy 29:29 warns mortals.
I explain the matter here.
It's truly that simple.


The mystery of the  canadian white squirrel.

A Brief Study on facts and reports on the albino squirrel or white squirrel of exeter ontario canada.

It appears that, on rare occasions ,the white squirrel or rather, squirrels that are white furred appear,  in other jurisdictions of canada and America. 

It appears like that's what various internet studies on the white squirrel of exeter ontario canada are decreeing.

After evaluating the topic for a period of time ,thisfar,I can only see one confirmed report though of the white squirrel being factually reported in another geographical location of both canada and north america.

According to one internet report ,strangely,a lone white squirrel,made a brief appearance in Colorado. USA.

Their are a few  rare  unconfirmed reports of individual  white squirrels becoming rebellious to the HOLY laws of the squirel world in this existence and  going squirrely 
In a few other north american towns and places other then Colorado.
In this life.

It's TRUE.

But, after a close study, the final analysis is still the following.

Such rare sightings of the white squirrel being spotted in other jurisdictions of Canada and america are rare and few to behold.
Factually speaking.

And for the most part,on this subject,the following statement remains a correct statement.
Regarding facts.

Which, in turn,onceagain,leads to only one fact being correct on this matter.

And that fact is simply this.

Peculiarly enough ,the white squirrel population that thrives so strongly,in exeter ontario canada ,simply does not thrive in packs anywhere else on earth.

At least not known to man.

In human socities.

Aw yes, for the record, on that note, it is clear, according to facts available on this subject that mostly, the white squirrel,referred to here by me,in these words,  strangely only resides in populations, in  abundance,  only in the small town or rather canadian geographical  jurisdiction of exeter ontario canada.

According to  facts available on the subject of the qhitesquirrel of exeter ontario canada?

That statement is correct.

Pure and simple.

It's a squirrel.

For crying out loud.

For thousands of years squirrels born with white skin havent strayed into another jurisdiction of earth? 

For thousands of years in this  existence they've partied only in Exeters land geography co -ordinates?

Obviously that's supernatural.

Anyone who cant see that ?

Their not in tuned to what jesus says in john 4:24 of christianity.

Exeters white 
Squirrels dont have leashes locked around their necks that prevent them from leaving exeter ontario canada.
Ya know?

Therefore, theirs something spiritual going on there.


Everything christianity teaches humans located in the functions of CHRISTIANITYS scriptures verify the complete accuracy of that supernatural statement.


Theirs an  immensely powerful vortex in the vicinity of Exeter ontario that  presents Exeters white squirrels from escaping its perimeter geograpghy co originates.

That's obvious.

Pure and simple.

The real  question ?

To that?

Where is the vortex.

That's the real question.
To that matter.

In christ.
Pure and simple.

How it all Began

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